We need the right skilled workers to encourage green industries
The Danish Board of Business Development recently opened a fund for applicants, who wanted to focus on green skills in small and medium enterprises (SMV’s).
Two companies received funding and specifically Business Hub Northern Denmark decided to focus on further education for leaders, employees and boards in SMV’s. They expect to help educate 1.100 companies in green transitions.
Copenhagen Capacity made a program to find and hire skilled workers to Danish companies – from Denmark and from foreign countries. They expect to have 1.900 workers partake and 152 companies.
Especially skilled workers need to be reeducated and receive further education. At the same time we need to bring qualified workers into the industries where it is relevant for the green transition
“Especially skilled workers need to be reeducated and receive further education. At the same time we need to bring qualified workers into the industries where it is relevant for the green transition,” says Ejner Holst, member of the Danish Board of Business Development and vice president in The Danish Trade Union Confederation[1]
In FH we encourage these companies in their journey of continuing education for workers in SMV’s, and hope these projects will inspire more companies to follow the same path. We need to understand, that the workers are the most important pillar in a green transition.
Without them, we won’t reach the climate goals in time.
Employee participation is also key!
Thus, we highlight, that continuing education and hiring new labor cannot stand alone. Employee participation in changes at the workplace are important.
When it comes to green transition, the workers can often help with easy methods of implementing new initiatives. But data from Denmark[2] shows, that it is very limited how informed the workers are on green problems in the firm.
If companies focus on involving their employees and enhancing their ability to partake in transitions, not only will they feel more appreciated and trusted, but it will also lead to an easier transition.
In FH we have created “Lønmodtagernes Klimapanel” (Eng: Climate Panel of Employees). A climate panel with the sole purpose for employees to work together with experts on creating and finding green solutions for the Danish industries.
This is our way of showing what the workers can do, when we listen to them.
[1] https://www.a4medier.dk/uddannelse/artikel/kaempe-millionbeloeb-investeres-i-efteruddannelse-for-at-sikre-den-groenne-omstilling-i-smv-er
[2] Helhedsplanen, medarbejderinddragelse
Details of the projects
Business Hub Northern Denmark is receiving 78,4 mill. DKK for their project “SMV: Green skills”. They are planning to re educate and continue educations of leaders, employees and boards.
Read more about the project here (Danish)
Copenhagen Capacity is receiving 41 mill. DKK for their project “Skills for a green Denmark”. Which is supposed to attract and connect new qualified workers for companies in need.