Parliament is currently looking at the Commission’s proposal for a regulation on net-zero industry – also called the Net-Zero Industry Act.
In this connection, the Parliament’s Committee for Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL) adopted their proposal on Tuesday 19 September.
It is particularly important for the committee that references are introduced to the fact that the “labor market partners” play a central role, and that a greater focus is placed on equality and upskilling in the bill.
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FH lacks focus on workers’ rights
FH is pleased with these proposals.
However, we miss a greater focus on workers’ rights when the proposals talk about attracting foreign labour.
In FH, we find it crucial that the proposal is linked to a greater degree with the social dimension, so that it does not risk resulting in an even greater degree of social dumping in the EU.
Net-Zero Industry Act: Rapid transition to climate neutrality
The European Commission proposed the Net-Zero Industry Act (NZIA) on 16 March 2023.
NZIA will help strengthen European production capacity of net-zero technologies and overcome barriers to scale up production capacity in Europe.
The measures in the Regulation will increase the competitiveness of the industrial base with net-zero technology and improve the EU’s energy resilience.
This proposal demonstrates Europe’s commitment to play a leading role in the net-zero technology transition and help achieve the Fit-for-55 and REPowerEU targets.