The EU’s labor market agency, Eurofound, has produced a background paper upon the request of the Swedish Presidency of the Council. The paper served as a basis for discussion at the informal EPSCO Council meeting on May 3-4, 2023.
Eurofound emphasizes the importance of enhancing skills for workers.
The paper describes the challenges in the labor market and highlights focus areas in terms of matching skills and jobs in line with the green digital transition.
The digitization and transition towards climate neutrality imply a change in the nature of work for many employees. Improved skills are necessary for the success of this transition.
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In the background paper, Eurofound emphasizes that governments need to actively address the need for enhanced skills.
They suggest, among other things, that governments should reduce the employment gap between men and women, strengthen social dialogue, and focus on lifelong learning, including workplace learning.
FH believes: Focus on skills is important in the EU
Without the right skills, we will not succeed in the green digital transition. However, skills need to be improved for all workers. The transition must not come at the expense of either skilled or unskilled workers.
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